Security Technician

The assignment of security technician duties is mandatory by law for all companies and private and public sector entities that employ even one employee. The safety technician provides the employer and employees with advice and advice, either in writing or orally, on issues related to occupational health and safety and the prevention of accidents at work.
In particular, our Security Technician provides services:
• Inspection of workplaces at regular intervals according to the program agreed with the client, which is submitted to the labor inspection through the sepenet application.
• Prevention and protection advice on work organization and planning in terms of productive activities, equipment and working methods as well as the configuration and arrangement of jobs and work environment.
• Risk assessment and control per job. Recording of existing hazards in the workplace and appropriate safety and protection measures against accidents at work.
• Evaluation of fire protection, emergency and escape systems.
• Investigation of occupational accidents and recording in a special book proposing measures to avoid the same or similar accidents.
• Selection and control of the effectiveness of personal protective equipment..


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Every project is different and therefore, the best way we can support you is by having an initial conversation to talk through your ideas. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch using the form below and we’ll call you back as soon as we can.

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Technical Office
Plakota, Mykonos 84600
+30 22890 24459
+30 22890 22513
+30 6945 307622