Land Registry

The services we undertake are:
• Locating a property (KAEK) – Property status study
• Compilation of a topographic diagram with the specifications of the National Land Registry.
• Spatial changes (corrections of geometric elements, boundaries and surface)
• Mergers of properties
• Collection and processing of Property Declarations
• Registrations of writable transactions
• Issuance – receipt of certificates
• Completion and updating of cadastral diagrams
• Corrections of Initial Registrations of the National Land Registry
• Cadastral Tables


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Every project is different and therefore, the best way we can support you is by having an initial conversation to talk through your ideas. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch using the form below and we’ll call you back as soon as we can.

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Technical Office
Plakota, Mykonos 84600
+30 22890 24459
+30 22890 22513
+30 6945 307622